World History

 World History Syllabus and Pacing Guide

Mr. Dave Wilson
(906) 786-6521, Ext - 1308

Topics of Study and Course Outline

Quarter 1 & 2 & Start of 3: Europe to 300 to 1900/Unification of Asia-Mongol
Chapter 7: The Rise of Europe (500–1300)
Chapter 8: The High and Late Middle Ages (1050–1450)
Chapter 13: The Renaissance and Reformation (1300–1650)
Chapter 14: The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia (1415–1796)
Chapter 19: The Industrial Revolution Begins (1750–1850)
Chapter 21: Life in the Industrial Age (1800–1914)
Chapter 22: Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800–1914)
Chapter 25: New Global Patterns (1800–1914)

Quarter 3: Russia to 1920

Chapter 9: The Byzantine Empire, Russia, and Eastern Europe (330–1613)
Chapter 16: The Age of Absolutism (1550–1800)
Chapter 26: World War I and the Russian Revolution (1914–1924)

Quarter 4: Africa/Middle East to 1700

Chapter 10: Muslim Civilizations (622–1629)
Chapter 11: Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa (730 B.C.–A.D. 1591)

Quarter 4: Central/South America to 1900

Chapter 6: Civilizations of the Americas (Prehistory - 1570)
Chapter 15: The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe and the Americas (1492–1750)

What do students need?

pencil and/or pen
All Homework and or school work that is due

Homework (35%)
Tests and Quizzes (35%)
Projects & Participation (30%)
If you are absent from the day before, please look at the weekly Agenda Board, immediately upon entering class.


*  This is your responsibility to make up missing school and homework ! Do not rely on me to seek you out.
*  Students have two days for every day absent to hand in makeup work
*  Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to makeup work, until the absence
    has been excused in the office

Sign Outs

*  3 sign outs will be allowed per marking period
*   No sign outs during lectures, videos, or presentations, unless an emergency.


I will post as many of my assignments and notes on my blog as much as I can.   I will also post a weekly and daily agenda of school and homework on my blog.